Garden BMPs
Yard waste, fertilizers, and garden chemicals (pesticides/herbicides) can be picked up by rain water and swept into storm drains. This polluted water flows untreated into local waterways, making them unsafe for people and wildlife. Follow these simple tips to help prevent pollution and protect the health of your family and community.
Yard Waste Disposal - Don’t blow, sweep, or hose leaves, grass clippings, or any other yard waste into the street or gutter. Dispose of all yard waste properly or try mulching. Leave grass clippings on your lawn to act as natural fertilizer.
Use Fertilizers & Garden Chemicals Safely - If you use chemical fertilizers or pesticides, avoid applying near curbs and driveways. Never over apply lawn chemicals nor apply just before it rains. Try using organic or non-toxic alternatives.
Dispose of Lawn Chemicals Properly – Lawn chemicals such as pesticides should not be dumped in the trash. Take them to your local household hazardous waste facility.
Landscaping projects - Cover piles of mulch and dirt being used in landscaping projects to prevent them from blowing or washing off into storm drains. Vegetate bare spots in your yard to prevent soil erosion.
Rain Barrels - One method to reduce runoff is to use rain barrels. Rain barrels capture water from a roof and hold it for later use on lawns, gardens, indoor plants, and trees.