Lake Thunderbird Watershed Partnership

Removed 17,800 pounds of waste from the watershed

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What We Do

watershed Clean-up Events

Each year, member cities participate in a large-scale clean-up event at Lake Thunderbird. Participation ranges from 60-100 volunteers with up 1,200 pounds of trash collected within a two-hour time frame. Smaller clean-up events are scheduled throughout the watershed during the spring and fall. 


Educational signage

Each member city has installed educational signage on major roadways as they enter the watershed. These signs inform drivers that they are entering the Lake Thunderbird watershed.


collaborative partnerships

LTWP works with a range of other stormwater associations to help educate the public, host workshops, and improve water quality. These associations include:


Aquatic trash affects water quality, endangers plants and animals, and pollutes the outdoor spaces that we depend on for tourism and recreation.”

U.S. Environmental protection agency

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Trash Removed from the Lake Thunderbird Watershed


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